UnitFrames: Fixed Rogue fading issue finally.UnitFrames: Fixed Focus and FocusTarget.Minimap: Slightly adjusted defaults and size for lfg/tracking/battlefield.Minimap: Added back options for Battlefield icon.Locales: Updated Russian translation (Credits Hollicsh).Cooldown Text: Fixed issues with HH:MM and MM:SS.Tooltips: Added an option to display Item Count while using the Modifier for ids.Nameplates: Fixed scaling issue which broke default friendly plates in dungeons.DataTexts: Fixed MovementSpeed not updating.DataBars: Fixed "Show Bubbles" for Pet Experience.Cooldown Text: Added a global option for rounding.Bags: Fixed bank not updating correctly.ActionBars: Fixed quick keybind mode for Pet Bar.UnitFrames: Fixed castbar/custom colors.Tooltips: Fixed an error with item quality.Datatexts: Fixed Haste Datatext Customization Settings.NamePlates: Reset CVar fix for non-selected unit alpha (Fixes Setup CVar step in the installer as well.).Map: Fixes for the fade while moving option.UnitFrames: Smart Raid Filter defaults to 5 groups for "Raid" now (8 for Raid40).UnitFrames: Fixed an issue with transparent power color.NamePlates: Updates for StyleFilters config.Minimap: Fixed tracking icon (Blizzard broke it).UnitFrames: Updated spark for EnergyManaRegen ticks.UnitFrames: Added reverse fill option for Aura Bars.NamePlates: Updated StyleFilters config.
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